Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How we spent our St Patrick's Day !

So as most of you know Sam got into a motorcycle accident on St. Patrick's day. I was at work and got a call from Sam who informed me he was in the back of the ambulance on his way to Loma Linda Hospital. He wrecked (our friend) Rob's bike. He was going about 75 mph and hit gravel. He went down and knocked himself out and slid for about 100 feet on the street, and came to rest with his shoulder folded up behind him.So total damage:
Ambulance ride 5000.00
broken clavicle 600.00
3 broken ribs 400.00
broken wrist in two places 1500.00
broken toes 500.00
road rash galore 60.00

OUR bike being in the shop getting tuned... --- up PRICELESS.
(all prices completely speculative)

Fortunately for his shoes, they popped off and rolled safely to the side of the road.Don't worry, they were unharmed. We were at the emergency room from 1:00 p.m. until 10:30p.m. Leave it to him.....


The Expatts said...

Ugh that stinks! I really hope that is not the final price. Yeowch! Is he feeling any better? I gotta call you...

Britton said...

YIKES! But it doesn't look as bad as I had pictured in my mind, so that's always a good thing. Hope he feels better soon. Love Ya!

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

Crazy times!!! I'm glad you guys are making it through- Love the photos!!:)

Unknown said...

HO!.... Very sorry for that, But it doesn't look as bad as I had pictured in my mind. Hope he feels better soon.

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