Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just a little update

Well here is a little update with us. The first picture is obviously Kayla in her little outfit. The poor thing had an eye infection in her left eye since she was born so it was always swollen, but we got some ointment and now she's all better . Sam kept calling her pretty eye is stead of pretty eyes.

Here are a couple more of just the kay and sam just getting out of the bath and the other one is the way Kayla likes to be held by dad.

Now this one is Sam and shane in the hot tub at our apartments. The thing is shane was sick and not supposed to be swimming, but I guess thats what uncles are for !


Andy and Yolanda said...

We can't wait to see you guys! Just a couple more days:)

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

she is so cute!! I can't wait to meet her tomorrow!!!